BERNSTEIN bathroom products in real life!
If you have BERNSTEIN bathroom products in your bathroom, why not send us photos of them?
As a thank you for the published pictures we will give you a 25€ store voucher!*
Please send your pictures to:kundenbilder@bernstein-badshop.de.
*one voucher per customer!
Which pictures are published?
The picture should show at least one BERNSTEIN product.
BERNSTEIN-Badshop reserves the right to only publish images that have a high resolution (width at least 1500px). Submitted photos will be edited and processed by us if necessary.
What happens to the rights to your image?
After submitting your photos, you will receive a declaration of consent for photo publication from us, with which you grant BERNSTEIN-Badshop (Nextrend GmbH) the right to use your image(s) commercially. This applies to our websites, social networks, other online media and print media. An image can only be published after you have signed a declaration of consent.
This declaration to Nextrend GmbH can be revoked at any time.
We reserve the right to store the submitted photos for a longer period of time - even if they are not initially published by us.
When will you receive the store voucher?
After you have sent in your image(s), we will check whether the images can be used (format, resolution) and send you the declaration of consent for signature. We may only publish the images once we have received a signed declaration of consent. Only then will you receive the voucher data by e-mail. We will not notify you for the purpose of posting the image material online. Nextrend GmbH reserves the right to decide when and how the image material is used.