Corner shower with revolving door on fixed panel NT403

Product number: 42381

Product number: 42382

Product number: 42385

Product number: 42383

Product number: 42386

Product number: 42389

Product number: 42387

Product number: 42384

Product number: 42390

Product number: 42388

Product number: 42391

Product number: 42392

515,00 €

Price incl. VAT and excl. shipping

519,90 €

Price incl. VAT and excl. shipping

525,00 €

Price incl. VAT and excl. shipping

529,90 €

Price incl. VAT and excl. shipping

529,90 €

Price incl. VAT and excl. shipping

535,00 €

Price incl. VAT and excl. shipping

539,90 €

Price incl. VAT and excl. shipping

539,90 €

Price incl. VAT and excl. shipping

539,90 €

Price incl. VAT and excl. shipping

539,90 €

Price incl. VAT and excl. shipping

539,90 €

Price incl. VAT and excl. shipping

549,90 €

Price incl. VAT and excl. shipping

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Product information

Eckdusche NT403 - 8 mm Nano Echtglas - Türanschlag rechts

Für einen platzsparenden Eckeinbau ist die NT403 bestens geeignet. Sie besteht aus einer eleganten Drehtür mit Festfeld und einer Seitenwand. Die Duschwände finden dank der Stabilisationsstangen soliden und sicheren Halt. Der Hebe-Senk-Mechanismus hebt die Duschtür komfortabel beim Öffnen und Schließen leicht an. Dies erleichtert die Türöffnung und sorgt bei geschlossener Position für eine erhöhte Dichtigkeit. Zudem wird ein Schleifen der Dichtungen über den Schwallschutz verhindert, was für mehr Langlebigkeit sorgt.

Das ESG-Sicherheitsglas ist mit einer Nano-Beschichtung versehen, sodass das Wasser abperlt. Gemeinsam mit den innen flächenbündig montierten Messingscharnieren werden somit unschöne Schmutz- und Kalkablagerungen verhindert und die Duschwände lassen sich schnell und einfach reinigen. Die Wandprofile erlauben bei Wandunebenheiten einen Wandausgleich von 20 mm.

Die Dusche ist sowohl für die bodenebene Montage als auch für die Montage mit Duschwanne geeignet. In unserem BERNSTEIN Badshop finden Sie hierzu passende Duschrinnen wie auch Duschwannen. Über die Artikelvariante sind diverse Breiten wählbar.

Dimensions and specifications

Bitte beachten Sie bei einer bodengleichen Montage, dass sich die angegebenen Maße der Duschkabine auf die Einbaumaße der Duschtasse beziehen! Unsere Duschkabinen sind deshalb um das entsprechende Einrückmaß kleiner hergestellt.

Modell NT403_R
Einbausituation Eckinstallation
Duschform Eckdusche
Türart Drehtür
Türanschlag Rechts
Türöffnung Nach außen | Rechts
Türdichtung Magnetverschluss Ja
Türgriffart Knauf Griff, innen | Stangengriff, außen
Maße Grundfläche (BxL) siehe Tabelle
Breite Tür siehe Tabelle
Breite Seitenwand siehe Tabelle
Einstieg Fronteinstieg
Einstiegsbreite siehe Tabelle
Glaseigenschaft ESG-Sicherheitsglas (DIN EN 12150)
Glasart Klarglas
Nanoversiegelung Mit Nanoversiegelung
Glasstärke 8 mm
Glashöhe 193 cm
Profilart Teilgerahmt
Profilmaterial Aluminium, eloxiert
Ausgleichsbereich im Wandprofil 20 mm
Profilfarbe Silber
Profiloberfläche Satiniert
Glasanschluss Stabilisationsstangen 360° drehbar
Material Scharniere Messing | verchromt
Innenflächenbündige Scharniere Innenflächenbündig
Hebe-Senk-Mechanismus Mit Hebe-Senk-Funktion
Montageart Mit Duschwanne | Bodengleich | Ohne Duschwanne
Verpackungsmaße (LxBxH) siehe Tabelle
Versandgewicht siehe Tabelle


Details Größen

Breite Tür   Verstellbare Breite Tür   Breite Türglas   Breite Festfeldglas   Breite Seitenwand   Verstellbare Breite Seitenwand
80 cm   78 - 80 cm   53 cm   19,1 cm   70 cm   68 - 70 cm
90 cm   88 - 90 cm   58 cm   24,1 cm   80 cm   78 - 80 cm
100 cm   98 - 100 cm   58 cm   34,1 cm   90 cm   88 - 90 cm
120 cm   118 - 120 cm   58 cm   54,1 cm   100 cm   98 - 100 cm


Versandgewicht und Verpackung

Türelement   Versandgewicht   Verpackung
80 cm   33 kg   200 x 57 x 63 cm
90 cm   38 kg   200 x 62 x 63 cm
100 cm   42 kg   200 x 62 x 63 cm
120 cm   51 kg   200 x 62 x 70 cm


Seitenwand   Versandgewicht   Verpackung
70 cm   31 kg   200 x 69,5 x 4 cm
80 cm   32 kg   200 x 79,5 x 4 cm
90 cm   37 kg   200 x 89,5 x 4 cm
100 cm   43 kg   200 x 99,5 x 4 cm



  • Montagemöglichkeit mit Duschtasse oder ebenerdig
  • Sehr einfache Montage, auch ohne besondere Fachkenntnisse möglich
  • Wir empfehlen Ihnen jedoch, die Montage durch einen Fachmann durchführen zu lassen.



  • Reinigungsfreundlich und hygienisch
  • Dank der Nano-Beschichtung perlt das Wasser ab, Schmutz hat keine Chance
  • Große Flächen zum einfachen Reinigen

Scope of delivery

  • Eckdusche NT403 Türanschlag rechts in gewählter Variante
  • Wandprofile
  • Stabilisationsstangen
  • Montagematerial
  • Montageanleitung
  • Ohne Duschtasse

Shipping costs

165 CHF

Delivery by forwarding agent

Your order will be collected from us and taken to a distribution warehouse. From there, it will be transported on to the delivery warehouse in your area. As soon as your consignment has arrived there, you will be notified (notification) and finally the delivery will be made directly to you (kerbside).

For items in stock, your order will be with you in approx. 9-12 working days.

165 CHF

Delivery by forwarding agent

Your order will be collected from us and taken to a distribution warehouse. From there, it will be transported on to the delivery warehouse in your area. As soon as your consignment has arrived there, you will be notified (notification) and finally the delivery will be made directly to you (kerbside).

For items in stock, your order will be with you in approx. 9-12 working days.

165 CHF

Delivery by forwarding agent

Your order will be collected from us and taken to a distribution warehouse. From there, it will be transported on to the delivery warehouse in your area. As soon as your consignment has arrived there, you will be notified (notification) and finally the delivery will be made directly to you (kerbside).

For items in stock, your order will be with you in approx. 9-12 working days.

165 CHF

Delivery by forwarding agent

Your order will be collected from us and taken to a distribution warehouse. From there, it will be transported on to the delivery warehouse in your area. As soon as your consignment has arrived there, you will be notified (notification) and finally the delivery will be made directly to you (kerbside).

For items in stock, your order will be with you in approx. 9-12 working days.

165 CHF

Delivery by forwarding agent

Your order will be collected from us and taken to a distribution warehouse. From there, it will be transported on to the delivery warehouse in your area. As soon as your consignment has arrived there, you will be notified (notification) and finally the delivery will be made directly to you (kerbside).

For items in stock, your order will be with you in approx. 9-12 working days.

165 CHF

Delivery by forwarding agent

Your order will be collected from us and taken to a distribution warehouse. From there, it will be transported on to the delivery warehouse in your area. As soon as your consignment has arrived there, you will be notified (notification) and finally the delivery will be made directly to you (kerbside).

For items in stock, your order will be with you in approx. 9-12 working days.

165 CHF

Delivery by forwarding agent

Your order will be collected from us and taken to a distribution warehouse. From there, it will be transported on to the delivery warehouse in your area. As soon as your consignment has arrived there, you will be notified (notification) and finally the delivery will be made directly to you (kerbside).

For items in stock, your order will be with you in approx. 9-12 working days.

165 CHF

Delivery by forwarding agent

Your order will be collected from us and taken to a distribution warehouse. From there, it will be transported on to the delivery warehouse in your area. As soon as your consignment has arrived there, you will be notified (notification) and finally the delivery will be made directly to you (kerbside).

For items in stock, your order will be with you in approx. 9-12 working days.

165 CHF

Delivery by forwarding agent

Your order will be collected from us and taken to a distribution warehouse. From there, it will be transported on to the delivery warehouse in your area. As soon as your consignment has arrived there, you will be notified (notification) and finally the delivery will be made directly to you (kerbside).

For items in stock, your order will be with you in approx. 9-12 working days.

165 CHF

Delivery by forwarding agent

Your order will be collected from us and taken to a distribution warehouse. From there, it will be transported on to the delivery warehouse in your area. As soon as your consignment has arrived there, you will be notified (notification) and finally the delivery will be made directly to you (kerbside).

For items in stock, your order will be with you in approx. 9-12 working days.

165 CHF

Delivery by forwarding agent

Your order will be collected from us and taken to a distribution warehouse. From there, it will be transported on to the delivery warehouse in your area. As soon as your consignment has arrived there, you will be notified (notification) and finally the delivery will be made directly to you (kerbside).

For items in stock, your order will be with you in approx. 9-12 working days.

165 CHF

Delivery by forwarding agent

Your order will be collected from us and taken to a distribution warehouse. From there, it will be transported on to the delivery warehouse in your area. As soon as your consignment has arrived there, you will be notified (notification) and finally the delivery will be made directly to you (kerbside).

For items in stock, your order will be with you in approx. 9-12 working days.

Product safety

Brand: Bernstein

Manufacturer information

Weiherstraße 1
65439 Flörsheim a. M.

  • Fast shipping

  • In-house production

  • 30 days
    right of return

  • 5-year warranty

Modernes Design und durchdachte Qualität

  • Elegante Drehtür mit Festfeld
  • Mit Seitenwand
  • Montage mit Türanschlag rechts
  • Hebe-Senk-Mechanismus verhindert Schleifen der Türen
  • ESG Sicherheitsglas 8mm nach DIN-EN 12150
  • Diverse Breiten wählbar

Leichte Reinigung und einfache Montage

  • Nano-Beschichtung lässt Wasser abperlen
  • Flächenbündige Scharniere vermindern Kalk- und Schmutzablagerungen.
  • Verdeckte Verschraubungen
  • Wandprofile erlauben Ausgleich bei Wandunebenheiten
  • Bodenebene Montage oder mit Duschwanne
  • CE zertifiziert


Individuelles Design von Bernstein

Lieferung innerhalb von 3-5 Tagen

Persönliche Herangehensweise an jede Bestellung

Sichere Zahlung